Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Republic of Joylet.

Yes, money CAN buy happiness. I am, of course, referring to Retail Therapy.
You should try it out one time, it DOES do wonders for a rather routine couch-potato-like office work week.

I seriously think I have ADD at work. As in. S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E !

Can't wait for the weekend! I hear it's going to be a blast. No flaking!

Thanks Therbee for this. Command and Conquer. Together friends, we can rule the world!


Thursday, November 10, 2005

slugging along.

the day has rather been off to a sluggish start. kept snoozing and snoozing until it was really freaking time to get up (9am).And, as useless, was late for work. i hate this new policy of having to round off the timeyou get in the office to the nearest quarter-hour (wait lang wrong grammar ata yun), becauseour admin's complaining that it's TOO MUCH WORK (really) to compute the exact time... ugh. anyway, i guess there's our motivation to go to work earlier. it just sucks, having to include saturdays(which everyone treats as slacker days)to this stupid adamant rule.

anyway, what a depressing week. (what's new). i was so disturbed about the shooting incident at ortigas last monday. Anton, the driver of the car,was one of my brother's friends. And my brother was hanging out at oysterboy last monday, roughly a minute's drive away from the crime scene. how young. he just had his debut. and this morning, my cousin's wife passed away. im guessing she's in her mid 30's. and they have 3 little kids... how to cope, how to deal? she's been in and out of the hospital for quite some time now. was confined earlier because of pneumonia, then back again because of an allergic reaction to the antibiotics she was taking...and the rest is just a series of complications. they say death usually comes in 3's. i'm guessing the third one is Dumbledore.

depressing but a surprisingly fast week. days seem to go by so fast. it's just hitting me now that it's going to be a cold, cold,cold december.

there are times i really wish i were a guy...just so i don't have to be so damn emotional. but how do you guys do it anyway? deadma, i mean. a friend of mine told me over beer and yosi that the only weapon of guys is their pride. how dumbfoundingly true (duh).

but as they say, life goes on. i'm still dazed though and keep lugging at a snail's pace, but yet tweaking with eagerness to find out what tomorrow's loot will be.

i need to go out more.friends, let's hook up!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tagged by Ther!

I'm experiencing a very sluggish day today and it doesn't help when someone peers over your shoulder every now and then.Talk about daily nuisances!

Anyway, I'm glad that even though the day is rolling out at a snail's pace, Therbee tagged me! So here's 20 random things about me.
1. I have LSS - Last Subo Syndrome. Meaning when the amount of food on my plate is reduced to just a spoonful, I completely lose my appetite.
2. I get sleepy when I drink coffee.
3. I smoke but don't like getting "smoked" at. i.e., ayoko ng binubugahan ng yosi.
4. I love watching The O.C. and One Tree Hilland Desperate Housewives. They make my Mondays and Tuesdays complete.
5. I hate Physics and Chemistry. But actually liked Calculus at some point.
6. I hate how my weight is yo-yo like. I hate being thin. I can't buy all the clothes I like!
7. I wear SPF60 sunblock on my face everyday.
8. I hate BJORK!
9. When I'm depressed, I resort to yosi diet.
10. I'm so freaking scared of being an old maid. I'm 24. I wanna get married by age 27.
11. I have a queen-sized bed with my sleeping space reduced to a single coz the other half's occupied by books, bags, magazines and other junk I sleep with.
12. I think I've transformed into a ditz.(Or I think people think I'm such a ditz sometimes).
13. When I was a kid, I loved sports. Now, I don't play any sport for fear of losing whatever FAT I have stored in my body.
14. I ultimately loathe people who talk to themselves and laugh all of a sudden when there isn't anything funny going on at all (I can name one I'm really irritatingly annoyed at right now!).
15. I fall for the tall, dark and handsome chinito-types with nice noses *SIGH*
16. I would like to experience total freedom even just once, without anybody telling me what to do, or what not to do.
17. I hate white light. I look so ugly under white light.
18. I wish I had my own car, unlimited gas so I can go wherever. It'd be easier to keep in touch with friends that way.
19. I hate being polite. I find it hard to be plastic. If I hate you I hate you, If I like you, I like you and if I love you, I'll spoil you to death.
20. I hate having to make big decisions. I'm scared I might not be able to handle the outcome later on.