Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Steppin' Out...

my head is in a whirlwind.
i am stuck in an all too familiar place again, literally and figuratively.only this time, new characters have been added to the thinning plot.

why did i have to be thrown into isolation while everyone is home, having fun?
not that i'm complaining...but maybe i am, of course i am.what's new?
i am in hong kong for the holy week, and will be working my ass off at the peakof the holiday, from good friday til monday. and when i get back, i don't even have time to rest, nor leaves to spare as i barely have enough left.

i hate it. i hate to be stuck in a rut with nothing else to think about but the trail i left behind.
i hate how it's affecting every little bit of me, in all aspects.
i hate how i am not a better person because of this whole shithole i got myself into.
i hate how i became this indecisive person, dragging myself out of bed just to get the day over with.

yes, in the baduyest of all terms to relate how i feel,i probably lost my mojo.

let me be the tramp you think i am, but i am just really one confused soul.really.

maybe i thought i could have it all... maybe i thought i could have my piece and eat it too.
since that was what they were doing anyway.
but as the cliche goes, you can't have it all.you can NEVER have it all.

anyway, a little pinch of reality:
yesterday, i got lost in Ikea wandering about the lamps and lanterns and shades of all shapes and sizes. i wish i could have my own little ikea. to step in and out of, occassionally.i mean, i feel like i've been in this endless quest of opening doors, why not put some flair and decor to make it more enjoyable? whoopeedoo. i could definitely live in Ikea.seriously.

lesson learned: know your comrades' celfone numbers-- at least the ones that are working, to avoid window shopping/shopping delays. time is precious.

i just realized what side of Hong Kong our new office is located. for quite some time now,i've been thinking, where the hell is Kowloon Bay? yesterday, i surmised, it's just a place a shade shadier than Kowloon side, Tsim Sha Tsui to you voyagers.
Of course not your typical Central but as long as you're a train ride away from shopping havens(at least for me) like Mongkok and TST, plus you have one big-ass shopping mall next door to conquer ,you're good to go. Oh! This is also where the Mother MTR station's located.

lesson learned: be in your comfiest foot wear, marathon shopping calls and i'd rather be prepared than suffer a foot full of calluses and sport ACL on both knees.

i am starving LITERALLY and FIGURATIVELY.stomach grumbling, i can only gulp a mouthful of air for what lies ahead.



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