Hed Kandi
Okay call me a LATE BLOOMER, but last night was the first time I went to a HED KANDI event. I'd like to call it an event and not a concert because:
1. The term concert, is just plain weird. I guess maybe because we associate this to live performances (singing acts, bands, etc.) Whilethis calls for DJ's spinning endless tracks and show girls dancing non-stop you'd wonder if it was really Red Bull they were on.
2.Event is more appropriate to help hype things up. I'm going to the Hed Kandi Concert VS. I'm going to the Hed Kandi EVENT (with emphasis of course, on the word EVENT).
3. Although, later on, I did get the gist of why it was called a concert-it was like the elements of light and sound were all incorporated to deliver one great shebang, that is, only, Hed Kandi.
4. Of course it just hit me now that most probably when Hed Kandi goes on a tour elsewhere in Europe, the artists are probably there too? WoW. Kaya concert.Ooooh.
Anyway, back to last night's events. Got to the venue, the World Trade Center in Roxas at around10-ish. We thought it was going to be inside the WTC per se, until I saw this big-ass tarpolineposter that said - Happy Birthday Gorgeous Rose (or some shit like that). It was inside the tentpala. I pity the owners of the cars parked around the perimeter of the tent-- they probably had to jumpstart their cars at around 4am to get home as their alarms kept on going off blending to the beat. Luckily, the place where we parked was safe.
Fast forward... PHP500 bucks was the entrance ticket and when our friend gave me the ticket, I was like, uhm.. "yan na yun." ? It was a red strip of paper (well, color-coded actually to determineif you were part of the VIP section or not) with adhesive on the tip to act as a makeshiftbracelet. I was looking forward to a more fancy elaborate ticket to keep as my souvenir however the bracelet did make some sense later on in the night. When we got inside, medyo nilalangaw pa. But okay na rin coz we got our table. Come 12am, there was already a thick crowd, although in my point-of-view, the size was not what they were projecting it to be.
I guess it was a great venue to go people watching. Nevermind that those in the VIP section behind us were all broke back mountaineers. I will never forget that gay dude who wore a striped pink and neon green shirt. Wow. galing. pwede na siya mag light show mag-isa.bwahaha.It was the place to probably go all-out glam. Okay, glam siguro but not really all-out glam, not unlessyou'd want to be identified as one of the Kandi girls dancing onstage. BUT, I'm glad I came in the right Kandi attire. Sorry, the jologs I am, I did not bring my camera. It would've been better if I did because I did see a couple of friends whom I haven't been in contact with for ages!
Galing galing galing the lights!!! Although I would've really appreciated it if..hehe..*wink*
Anton Ramos' spins were steady, but we couldn't help notice the sablays in the entries of his mixes.Oh well. Come Hed Kandi time, we were all waiting for familiar tunes( not fucking Ever After, puhleaze!). They did play a couple Beach House stuff (we were expecting more of these) but medyo trancy music too. I guess gusto nilang tapatan ang Tiesto.
Big Fish does know how to throw a great party. Although we could not help but think why the name Big Fish.Kasi magaling silang mangbingwit ng pera. bwahahaha! A can of San Mig Light at a hundred bucks, mineral water which usually costs 10-20 bucks were jacked up to 70-80 bucks. WHUT!!!
I have never exprerienced such intense body heat! ANG INIIT! I think I lost like 10 pounds sweating like a pig while dancing all out. WOooooh! Too bad for this girl who passed out and had to be dragged out by her friends and have everyone check out her ass in the process. So, girlies, don't wear flowy skirts!!!
The night would've been perfect if I got the damn CD. Come 2am, we went in front of the DJ's to see what the hype was all about. The DJ's were throwing out cd's! I swear to God the DJ threw it to mydirection because we did make eye contact and he told the other DJ to throw it to me. Of course, out of nowhere this ASSHOLE snatches it from my hand. And i was like, okay you can have it dammit I'll justask for another one. EH WALA NA ! I swear, I am too nice, next time I'd step on whoever triesto get in my way so that I can make good use of my stilletos. Anyway, John got one so, good for him.And tough luck to me.
I missed dancing like crazy!!! What a way to destress! I did take some pictures with my uh, SQH2O O2 fone.So bear with the resolutions. And *TRIED* to get a video clip too.
I am definitely a late Hed Kandi bloomer (boohooo) (I can see eyes rolling and brows arching). Nevertheless, better late than never. So... Kudos to my friends who've influenced me with good steady vibes music. Ohh! They did play a Kaskade song so my night was somehow made already. Kudos to friends who would like to try something silly like going to these event/concerts for the heck of it, and kudos to Big Fish for throwing a mothaf@cK%n parteee!

Hi Joy! Really it was nice to see you again. Long time.
Hayyy. Hed Kandi. True, I saw too many wasted school girls and boys in the bathroom area. Heehee.
I'm glad Alfred was happy with his b-day outing. Nevermindthat I lost my driver's license. Fell out of my pouch because he kept on groping... Sorry oversharing! This calls for a trip to the LTO, asap.
I even bumped into a couple of gay dudes (as in very butch looking gay dudes) complete with cowboy hats+ boots. Kulang na lang horsies!
Hope to see you soon and take care, Joy!
P.S. I'm new to this Blogging thing. Have to find time to sit and explore. What can I say, I'm high touch but not so high tech.
10:54 PM
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