you had me at HELLO!
After days of reading MSN's gossip column, (yes, this is to compensate me not being able to watch THE BUZZ or S-Files!) I have to react.
Back in the day, when I was in 2nd grade, I already had a huge crush on mister million-dollar-watt smile, Tom Cruise. Yes, it was that huge we even had a Tom Cruise fan club. We had the Days of Thunder laser disc(where he and Nicole fell in love), and I watched it over and over again.I cried watching Rain Man, then there were A Few Good Men. I was stunned upon finding out he's sterile and his dyslexia.I thought it was a sick joke.Come highschool when Jerry Maguire came out, I fell head-over heels in love with him again. Even if he grew his hair (Mission Impossible 2 and The Last Samurai)I still adored him (I hate guys with long hair!). Come the time they showedMinority Report he looked great again as ever. I even watched Collateral (which really sucked)instead of Garfield. Tom was one of my first loves *sigh*!
3rd year HighSchool, circa 1997- enter the era of Dawson's Creek.I hated Katie Holmes with a passion. I hated the way she looked, the way she acted, I hated her nose, I hated her girl-next-door-I'm-so-helpless-help-me-pa-innocent-effect-but-really-slut-talaga image. Yes, I was a big fan of Jen and the sometimes mental Andy.
Anyway, I guess this would just be any normal girl's reaction.Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?!? Maybe it's the Scientology. MaybeTom Cruise is really seriously going crazy. Katie Holmes vs. Nicole Kidman?!? Get a grip! Who are you kidding?!?And all with their PDA stints...(I don't have Oprah and MTV in our bulok TV here)how could you Tom, how could you?!? I just have to cross my fingers (and toes)that this is all for the sake of PR (for Scientology,War of the Worlds and Batman Returns)Okay lang si miss her-accent-is-thicker-than-her-eyebrows Penelope Cruz. But this Holmes character talaga, I really really abhor her with a passion! He must be hitting near-mid-life crisis.
TOM! Abres su ojos!
Ok tama na, O.A. na.
Bitter na kung bitter...baket ba blog ko to eh!?

What a cutie!!! This is how I want my mental image of him to be forever... not see him smooching around with the biatch!
Back in the day, when I was in 2nd grade, I already had a huge crush on mister million-dollar-watt smile, Tom Cruise. Yes, it was that huge we even had a Tom Cruise fan club. We had the Days of Thunder laser disc(where he and Nicole fell in love), and I watched it over and over again.I cried watching Rain Man, then there were A Few Good Men. I was stunned upon finding out he's sterile and his dyslexia.I thought it was a sick joke.Come highschool when Jerry Maguire came out, I fell head-over heels in love with him again. Even if he grew his hair (Mission Impossible 2 and The Last Samurai)I still adored him (I hate guys with long hair!). Come the time they showedMinority Report he looked great again as ever. I even watched Collateral (which really sucked)instead of Garfield. Tom was one of my first loves *sigh*!
3rd year HighSchool, circa 1997- enter the era of Dawson's Creek.I hated Katie Holmes with a passion. I hated the way she looked, the way she acted, I hated her nose, I hated her girl-next-door-I'm-so-helpless-help-me-pa-innocent-effect-but-really-slut-talaga image. Yes, I was a big fan of Jen and the sometimes mental Andy.
Anyway, I guess this would just be any normal girl's reaction.Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?!? Maybe it's the Scientology. MaybeTom Cruise is really seriously going crazy. Katie Holmes vs. Nicole Kidman?!? Get a grip! Who are you kidding?!?And all with their PDA stints...(I don't have Oprah and MTV in our bulok TV here)how could you Tom, how could you?!? I just have to cross my fingers (and toes)that this is all for the sake of PR (for Scientology,War of the Worlds and Batman Returns)Okay lang si miss her-accent-is-thicker-than-her-eyebrows Penelope Cruz. But this Holmes character talaga, I really really abhor her with a passion! He must be hitting near-mid-life crisis.
TOM! Abres su ojos!
Ok tama na, O.A. na.
Bitter na kung bitter...baket ba blog ko to eh!?

What a cutie!!! This is how I want my mental image of him to be forever... not see him smooching around with the biatch!
Too much Lucid Dreaming?! Tom! Wake Up!!!
i swear this blog is so funny!!!! you can have your own column na! heheheh!
5:59 PM
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